What are the different types of video? · Glydrs

What are the different types of video?

And which would work best for your business?

April 4, 2022 by Hussein Farghaly


A lot of marketers seem to have a rough time when venturing through the realm of video marketing.


For some, it’s the very wiiiide array of video types that leaves them in total confusion, from animated videos, motion graphics, live-action videos, 2D animation, or 3D animation, to documentary videos, explainers, and product information videos. The list goes on! 


Today I have decided to address this topic and give you an overview of the different video types, and guess what? Along with examples! That way you’ll be able to understand each video type, what it truly means, and how to use it.


You’ll also be able to match each video along its appropriate stage in the marketing funnel, after all you wouldn’t want to create a “BUY ME NOW” video for someone who’s just getting to know your company.


Without further ado.. let’s begin.



Video type #1 – Explainer Video

An explainer video talks about your product/service in a very brief, visually appealing way. The best part about an explainer video is that it can be used as a virtual sign/billboard (but on steroids).
Picture this, back in the days when clients used to visit our workplaces you’d have to get everything right. From your sign to your front desk and your pitch, you’d make sure everything was sharp to grab their attention and trust.
Nowadays same things happen on our websites and social pages. When a client visits you online, you never, and I repeat NEVER, would want to leave them guessing what your company offers exactly and what sets you apart from anyone else.
The explainer video is usually intended to explain all of this without the extra repetition which saves time for your company and your clients. On top of this, it allows you to look sharp, thus grabbing the attention and trust of prospects.  It’s best equipped at the top of the marketing funnel speaking to your colder audiences to explain who you are and what you do.
Check out this explainer video we did for SortP which is a healthcare management system.
Play Video


Video type #2 – Client Testimonials


Who better than your customers to talk about your product/service?

Testimonials help with the awareness, consideration, and even the conversion stage of your marketing funnel, you can use them aaaanywhere. 
You get the chance to deliver your unique value propositions to your potential clients from a very relatable perspective which increases the chances of conversions.
As always we got you covered from our very own portfolio. Check out this video we made for Crossover showcasing Alaa talking about his experience with them.
Play Video


Video type #3 – Product Videos


According to Tubular Insights, “64% of consumers will make a purchase after watching branded videos on social platforms“. Video content is, by all means, the best way to showcase the strength of your products and distribute it swiftly. 


Bragging about how good your product never goes out of style. Whether you produce a tool, food, appliance, heck even a building. Your product is like your very own beloved son/daughter. You never would like to spend all this time developing it and risk having it not appealing enough for your potential customers.


Product videos are usually intended for the bottom part of the funnel, more precisely in the consideration and conversion stages.


However, can be tweaked (by CTAs, captions, etc..) to fit each stage of the funnel.  A food video that reaches someone could be his first interaction with your business (awareness), it can also convert at the same time. 


Since it has so many uses, so does its appearance. So, why not have more than one example then? Good idea, eh?

Play Video

Here you can almost taste the Nabulsi Kunafa straight out of the video. If you’re hungry, chances are you’ll pick up the phone to order this. Ladies & gentlemen, that’s a conversion.

Play Video

While here, this video is more suited to a consideration stage within the funnel. It showcases the product’s features and shows how it’s superior to competitors.


Video type #4 – In-store/lobby Videos


If your business relies on your customers visiting your office/store, you’ll get hyped about this type of video.


The main purpose of in-store videos is that they remove, hell they even BREAK, barriers that your customers might have.


So for an example maybe you offer a service where you buy used PlayStations in exchange for money. Customers might have a ton of questions: “How easy is this to do? Do people working there look professional? Will I wait a lot? What does the place look like?”.


By the way, Games 2 Egypt have done a marvelous job with a video that answers such questions.


People tend to search about you before they visit your place. Maybe you have a restaurant and customers need to see how spacious/well-designed your place is. Maybe you sell items and your customers want to know if your checkout process is fast/easy.


Whatever the reason is, you need to end this confusion. Here’s an in-store video we did for Chaya Galata’s Tea Room.

Play Video


Video type #5 – Tutorial Videos


Videos are the next-gen, pumped up, and cooler type of tutorials.


They take your audience on an audio-visual trip that’ll teach them whatever you want in the most effective way, whether it’s a software/app and you want to explain how to use it or you simply want to show them how to register for an event.


Utilize such videos in the consideration stage as well as post-conversion (retention, customer support, etc..). They differentiate your business from others in one way and help your existing customers by providing a smoother experience in another way.


Tutorial videos usually are done in motion graphics, like these 2D motion graphics videos we did for Fluido – a chatbot software.

Play Video
Play Video





After getting to know more about the different types of videos, I’m confident that next time you’ll want a video you’ll be more than capable of choosing the right one.


Just like you plan your content calendar with posts that match the stages of the marketing funnel, so should you do for your videos.


 If there’s one thing from this article that I hope you’d always remember, it’s that you never do “BUY ME” videos to your cold audiences.

Author: Hussein Farghaly
Marketing Executive at Glydrs